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LMD - LiveMediaDigital

LMD - LiveMediaDigital

Florida's #1 Digital Firm

Miami, Florida, United States



Live Media Digital is a top digital marketing agency in Miami. LMD focuses on real numbers, not digital terminology. Our services include Web Development, SEO, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Linked In Ads, Bing Ads, Duck Duck Go Ads, etc. We are here to offer expert strategies that translate to actual sales and growth. We specialize in sustainable marketing strategies with results at the center of attention. If you are looking for a digital marketing agency that speaks your language, give us a call today!
Client business size
Pricing model
  • Retainer
  • Project-based
  • Value/performance-based
  • $2,500 +
Geographic focus
  • North America
  • English
  • Spanish

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Agencies in Miami, Florida, United States